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Phone: 18 000 CINCO

Phone: 18 000 CINCO


Canberra Air Compressors

Sales & Service - Breakdowns, repairs, maintenance

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Whatever your compressor needs may be, Cinco Electrical Services can provide air compressors sales, service and solutions.

Here at Cinco Electrical Services we service, repair and maintain all aspects of electric compressors from oil and filter changes to re-kits /re-builds of air ends. We offer various servicing packages or can set up a tailor-made service plan to keep your compressor well maintained and running efficiently.

  • All our service agreements are customised to meet individual customer needs. 

  • Agreements can range from basic maintenance requirements that meet  the manufacturer’s recommended service needs up to full responsibility agreements.

Cinco Electrical Services offers comprehensive coverage including our rapid response, 24/7 support and easy access to local expertise and our spare parts suppliers.


We specialise in all brands and models of compressors such as; Chicago Pnuematics, Atlas Copco, Kaeser, Compair, McMillan, Champion, Pilot and more.

Are you looking for qualified & experiecenced electrical/mechanical compressor technicians in Canberra...?

Looking  for an industrial electrical contractor...?

CINCO Industrial Electrical Contractors

1800 024 626

12B  Geelong Street Fyshwick

Australian Capital Territory 2609

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